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Becoming Bloody Mary turns a year old on April 17th and in honor of that I'm giving away a signed paperback copy in my Facebook readers group. Come join us for your chance to win a copy!

It's a little bit of love, a little bit of betrayal and a whole lot of dark magic to become Bloody Mary.
We've all heard the legend of Bloody Mary. From generation to generation the legend has been passed on, usually by children and teens daring someone to be brave enough to summon her. Go into a darkened bathroom, lock the door if your brave enough, stand in front of the mirror and say "Bloody Mary" three times. The legend says she will appear but the consequences range from becoming horrifically scared to being driven insane and even death. The legend has transcended time as well as language barriers. It seems every country has some form of this legend but the question remains are you brave enough?
Have you ever wondered where the legend of Bloody Mary originated? Well step into this Victorian tale of love lost, betrayal and tragedy with just enough magic to create the legend.


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